Upcoming Events

April Event - Dorset Button - Cecilia Julagay
Mark your calendars, more details to follow.

June Event - Potluck and Challenge Exchange
Mark your calendars, more details to follow.

March Event - Hands on mini Krokbragd - Suzanne Chappell
Mark your calendars, more details to follow.

February Event - Hands on Kumihimo on 8-16 disk - Mary Wegelin
Mark your calendars, more details to follow.

Old West Days - January 18-19, 2025
Inland Empire Handweavers Guild will be participating in Old West Days January 18 & 19 at the San Bernardino County Museum. Bring your portable loom or spinning wheel and join us for a day of fun. Children can try their hand at weaving on a guild table loom, and they can also make a Kumihimo friendship bracelet.
Volunteers can work either the 9:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m. or 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. shift.
If you haven’t already signed up, please consider taking on a half day shift. Our greatest need is on Saturday. The Museum provides water and lunch (pizza is the usual fare). Other activities at the Museum include classic card games, live music, frontier arts & crafts and historical demonstrations!
At the January 13 meeting, I will bring foam boards for you to trace the kumihimo disk pattern. Please bring scissors so you can cut out the disks that you draw. If you took foam boards home to make disks at the September meeting, please bring those with you. They are needed for Old West Days.
Contact Suzanne Chappell, suz.chap@verizon.net, to help out.

January Event - Woven Bands - Mary Wegelin
Mark your calendars, more details to follow.

December Event - Annual Live Auction
Always a fun event. You can donate something to be auctioned off with proceeds going directly to IEHG and also purchase some new treasures.

November Event - Potluck and Handwoven Star with Jadie
Jadie will teach us how to make a handwoven star and then we’ll enjoy a potluck.
Sign up sheet for the potluck will be circulated soon.

Sunday Weavers - Nov 3, 2024 - Sunday Weavers will be attending WeFF, a one-day weaving and fiber festival sponsored by Southern California Handweavers Guild (SCHG). The event is in Torrance, and there will be opportunities for carpool leaving from HOKC in Redlands at 8:30am and from Riverside (time TBD). WeFF is from 10am - 4pm at Torrance Cultural Arts Center. 3330 Civic Center Drive, Torrance, CA 90503.
Free admission & parking.

October Event - Zoom - Ability Weavers
Join the Zoom program in which Beryl Bartkus shares her unique story. https://abilityweavers.com/ More details to follow.

September Event - Show and Share - Board brings treats
Hope you had an excellent Summer and welcome back to IEHG Guild meetings. We’ll have much to share from summer activities and fiber arts projects. Bring something to show & share.

June Event - Luncheon and program TBD
IEHG has resumed the annual guild challenge. In September we ice-dyed tencel and cotton yarns and the challenge is to create a unique item with the yarn which will be shared at the June meeting.
Please also bring or wear one of your favorite handwoven items.
In addition, we will have a yummy member-provided brunch. Be thinking about what you want to bring. Wendy will pass around a sign-up sheet at the May meeting.

May Event - Notes from Madelyn van der Hoogt’s Weaving School
IEHG members, Jadie Lee, Pat Eichman and Suzanne Chappell will share their weaving experience at The Weavers’ School (Whidbey Island, Washington) with Madelyn van der Hooght
They are taking the Weaving II: Beyond the Basics class which features weaving and creating with blocks. Days will consist of lecture, discussion, study of woven examples, drafting practice, and extensive sample weaving. Several loom types are pre-warped in lace weaves, two-tie unit weaves, multishaft overshot, beiderwand, double weave, diversified plain weave, taqueté, twills, damask, and more.
This will be a live program with woven samples for observation. A Zoom link will be shared with members not able to attend. For those members wanting a little more socializing, bring brown bag lunch or grab a bite and we’ll convene at a local park for lunch.

March Event - The Weaving Way - Kate Kilmurray
The Weaving Way : my journey with the meditative art of handweaving - Kate Kilmurray on Zoom
Kate Kilmurray is a fiber artist who has been practicing and teaching yoga and meditation for more than thirty years. Mark your calendars for this exciting program. March 11, 2024 9:30 - 11:30am

February Event - Wet Felting a Vessel (Workshop) - Martha Lumia
Join us Monday, February 12th for a workshop led by Martha Lumia. She will be teaching us Wet Felting a Vessel. Complete and return this registration. Felted Vessel Workshop
Registration deadline: February 1, 2024

Weaving Classes - Rigid Heddle or 4-shaft loom
Winter Weaving Classes are starting February 7 and 8.
For beginning weavers and those wanting to brush up on skills.
A session consists of six 3-hour classes.
Classes are limited to 3-4 students.
Three sessions: Wed. evenings, Thursday morning and afternoon.
Class Dates and times
Wed. evenings: February 7-28, March 6 & 13, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Thursdays: February 8-29, March 7 & 14, 9-Noon and 1pm-4pm.
For Information, Contact:
Suzanne Chappell

Old West Days - weaving demonstration and children’s activities
Winter Weaving Classes are starting February 7 and 8.
For beginning weavers and those wanting to brush up on skills.
A session consists of six 3-hour classes.
Classes are limited to 3-4 students.
Three sessions: Wed. evenings, Thursday morning and afternoon.
Class Dates and times
Wed. evenings: February 7-28, March 6 & 13, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Thursdays: February 8-29, March 7 & 14, 9-Noon and 1pm-4pm.
For Information, Contact:
Suzanne Chappell

January Event - Exploring the World of Wet Felting - Martha Lumia
Join us Monday, January 8th for our first Guild event of 2024. Martha Lumia will be discussing the World of Wet Felting. Nuno felting program
Inland Empire Handweavers Guild is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: IEHG Membership Meeting - Nuno Felting with Martha Lumia
Time: Jan 8, 2024 09:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the Second Mon, 6 occurrence(s)
Jan 8, 2024 09:30 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 4311 0251
Passcode: 664865